Pharmacy Experiential Programs of Canada (PEP Canada)

PEP (Pharmacy Experiential Programs) of Canada is an AFPC affiliated committee established to enhance pharmacy experiential education in Canada. The committee was established as a result of the June 2004 Structured Practice Experiential Programs Task Force’s final report and has received generous financial support from CCADS and AFPC/ADPC.

The committee is comprised of experiential program coordinators and directors from each Faculty/School of Pharmacy in Canada. Meetings are held via teleconference at least three times a year, as well as an annual meeting in conjunction with the annual AFPC Conference.

In 2006, the PEP Canada strategic plan was created. The committee’s vision is to become “a world leader in the delivery of pharmacy experiential programs” with a goal to “enhance experiential education through sharing and collaboration”. Members work together to develop and share best practices for a structured experiential curriculum for all Canadian Pharmacy programs. Opportunity is created for networking and collaboration with experiential program coordinators, stakeholders, professional organizations, preceptors and students. PEP Canada will provide leadership in pharmacy experiential education (student and preceptor training), provide support to individual PEP faculty and assist the Faculties in meeting accreditation standards.

PEP Canada Contact Information

Current list of individual faculty members of PEP Canada

Our Faculties