CALL FOR CPERC 2025 RESEARCH / EDUCATION ABSTRACTS – deadline January 31, 2025
NEW FOR 2025: All pharmacy practice research abstracts will be presented at the full day post-CPERC symposium, Strengthening Health with Research in Pharmacy.
Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference (June 17-19, 2025)
The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada invites pharmacy educators, researchers and students to submit abstracts for the AFPC annual conference in Niagara Falls June 17-19, 2025. The submission deadline is January 31, 2025. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the authors will be notified by April 15, 2025. Abstracts can be submitted for oral presentations (during concurrent mini-sessions or AFPC Special Interest Group [SIG] education sessions) or poster presentations, under three categories: 1) pharmacy education initiative, 2) teaching and learning research / scholarship and 3) pharmaceutical science. Check out the CPJ supplement of the oral and poster abstracts that were presented at CPERC 2024.
Symposium: Strengthening Health with Research in Pharmacy (June 20, 2025)
The symposium is co-hosted by the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada, Canadian Foundation of Pharmacy and Ontario Pharmacy Evidence Network. AFPC, CFP and OPEN invites pharmacy practice researchers and students to submit abstracts for the one-day pharmacy practice research symposium taking place after CPERC 2025 in Niagara Falls on June 20, 2025. The submission deadline is January 31, 2025. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the authors will be notified by April 15, 2025. Abstracts can be submitted for oral presentations or poster presentations. All pharmacy practice research abstracts will be presented on June 20, 2025.
CPERC and the Symposium will be using the same abstract online system used in previous years to submit, peer review and manage abstracts - MyAbstract: If you set up an account for previous CPERCs, you can login using your email and password. If this is your first time using MyAbstract, begin by selecting "Don't Have An Account?", then use your email address and a password to create an account. You will receive a confirmation email once your abstract is submitted. You can edit your online abstract until the January 31, 2025 submission deadline. Only abstracts that conform to the prescribed format will be considered.
- Submission: Abstracts must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed for both oral and poster presentations and may be accepted, conditionally accepted (according to reviewers' comments) or rejected.
- Acceptance: Authors will be informed of acceptance no later than April 15, 2025. If an oral abstract is not accepted for presentation in a mini or SIG session, it will be considered for a poster presentation.
- Registration: CPERC and/or Symposium registration is mandatory for all students, researchers and educators whose abstracts are accepted for presentation. Oral and poster presenters must register no later than May 15, 2025.
- Presentations for oral and poster sessions will occur on June 18 and 19 except for pharmacy practice research (PPR) abstracts. All PPR abstracts (orals and posters) will be presented on June 20 at the Strengthening Health with Research in Pharmacy Symposium.
- Peer Review: abstracts will be peer-reviewed for both oral and poster presentations and will be accepted based on the reviewers’ grade. (Note that abstracts will no longer be conditionally accepted.)
- The specific timeslot for each presentation will be dependent upon the number of abstracts accepted. Presenters will be advised of their presentation time and location when the schedule is finalized (at least two weeks in advance of the conference).
- CPERC Concurrent Mini-Sessions will be 20 minutes in duration (15-minute presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A). Topics applicable to contemporary pharmacy education and research are of interest, including curricular development; innovations in teaching; learning and assessment; educational scholarship; experiential education; admissions; scholarly inquiries; faculty-led pharmacy practice innovations; equity, diversity and inclusion; and cultural safety and Indigenous health.
- CPERC Concurrent Special Interest Group (SIG) Education Sessions will be 20 minutes in duration (15-minute presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A).
- Oral presentations: up to two people can co-present. If there is a second presenter, this person should be listed as a co-presenting author. Changes to the presenting author(s) can be made online before May 10, 2025. After this date, email
- Presenting authors are limited to a maximum of five abstract submissions under their name.
- Poster boards will be available in horizontal orientation. Measurements will be available soon. Velcro will be provided. Presenters will be required to upload a PDF of their poster to the conference portal.
- AFPC Educational Scholarship Poster Award (ESPA): This faculty award for 2025 will recognize the best innovative and effective educational scholarship poster presented at CPERC. To be eligible, authors (Canadian pharmacy faculty members) must indicate that their abstract is to be considered for the ESPA when submitting and check off submission requirements. If the submission is an oral abstract, but it is accepted for a poster presentation, it will be included in the ESPA competition.
- Whit Matthews Student Poster Awards: The student must present their poster at CPERC to be eligible for this award and must be listed as the presenting author at time of submission (only one presenter is permitted). If multiple posters have been submitted, the student must choose one poster for the competition. Note that winners of the study poster and graduate student research paper awards are not eligible to compete for the Whit Matthews award.
- Online Portal: oral session presenters will be required to upload their slide decks to the online portal at least 48 hours in advance of their presentation. It is also recommended that presenters bring their presentations with them on a USB drive as a back-up. Poster presenters must upload a PDF of their poster to the portal by June 7th.
- Standard audiovisual equipment (LCD projector, laptop, screen and podium with microphone) will be provided. Poster boards and pins will be supplied.
- AFPC does not assume responsibility for any conference attendance or registration costs for oral or poster presenters.